Re: gnome win32

On 15 Sep, David Alan Gilbert shouted:
-> wrote:
->  > 
->  > Hei,
->  > There are very interesting things to do to Linux,  please don't lost your
->  > time to port gnome to win32.
->  > Please lost your time develop to Linux gnome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
->  While I definitly agree, there are at least two benefits two having a Win32
->  port:
->    1) You can use Gnome on machines at work etc if you can't install Linux on
->       them; and then continue using the same environment at home.
->    2) Free software under windows can be used as the first place to pull users
->       into free software; once they realise free software is good they won't
->       be scared about going to a free OS.

Well have fun guys doign stuff like porting imlib and stuff to win32
cause imlib is unix-centric design and  I don't feel like wasting my
time helping anyone port it to win32 - cause gnome needs it to create
icons and do image stuff...

basically it will be a complete waste of time that could be much more
usefully spent working on gnome and imporving it becuase linux is goign
to hit your desktop sonner than anyone probabyl has ever thought it
could - companies are taking linux seriously these days.

please do something usefulk and work on improving gnome and gtk and
apps etc instead of just adding lots of #ifdef __WIN32's to the code.

->  Dave

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