Re: gnome-libs failure in gnome-metadata.c

Jason> I'm not a DB expert, but it looks as if gnome-metadata.c is
Jason> expecting to get something different when it includes <db.h>.
Jason> I believe I have db-2.4.10 installed (built from source).  Is
Jason> it somehow expecting the legacy version 1 DB functions?  Here's
Jason> the compiler output (gcc

Yes, gnome-metadata assumes DB 1.85.

DB 2.0 might be current, but its license makes it inadvisable for
Gnome.  It doesn't play well with an LGPL library.

I notice that Hari just checked in changes to let gnome-metadata build
using DB 2.0's compatibility mode.  Whether we can do this legally is
beyond me.

We could just check in DB 1.85 and distribute it with Gnome (and
suitably rename it to avoid clashes).  I don't have an opinion on
whether this is advisable.  (If somebody wants to do this, contact me
first.  I might be able to get Cygnus to release our autoconfiscated


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