Re: FAQ is down

On Sat, 12 Sep 1998, Todd Graham Lewis wrote:

> To:
> Subject: FAQ is down
> From: Todd Graham Lewis <>
> I exceeded the bandwidth limit on my dial-up MindSpring account yesterday,
> and so my WWW access was turned off.  I've sent mail to the engineering
> group asking for them to up my bandwidth quota, and I'm hoping that
> they'll do it soon.  Apologies in the interim.
> Why aren't employees exempt from these limits?  Because we don't believe
> in special treatment, or some crap.  Anyone know of an ISP with no b/w
> limits on web pages?  8^)

Perhaps you should ask Dr Mike from RedHat to mirror your FAQ on the
GNOME site ?


   Martin Baulig - Angewandte Mathematik - Universitaet Trier,
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