Re: FAQ roadmap

On Sat, 12 Sep 1998, Todd Graham Lewis wrote:

>   I am still unclear on how this approach would work, but I do know that
>  I would like to have a centralized source for docs which people can go
>  to and, at a glance, find a solution to their development needs.  "How
>  do I i18nalize my GNOME app?  Well, let me look up i18n in the index of
>  the GNOME handbook!"  That sort of thing.

Well, I think that this should not go into the FAQ v2.0 but rather the
gnome documentation SET. For those who does not know what a SET is it is
DocBooks highest level tag. A SET contains one or several books and
articles etc. A dynamic repository of all of these sections would be very
usefull. Hmm, was there a documentation list? I belive that Miguel liked
my idea of a central CVS module for the docs that could be glued into
the CVS modules as needed. This would however have to be done by someone
who knows a lot more about CVS than me.  

Martin Wahlén		Sound Foundation Inc.	    tel.    +46 (40) 454136  Ringv. 1                 236 35 Höllviken

"Our policy is, when in doubt, do the right thing."   -- Roy L Ash

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