Need advice about objc bindings of gnome-canvas


I've finished the basic objc bindings of gnome-canvas and I'm trying to
finish the objc-hello by the end of this week.

Still, I wonder something:

For the moment, the binding use the same "valist" scheme as the gnome-canvas
C functions to set the canvas items properties. 

I don't know if I should implement a "set" method for each property in each

@interface Gnome_Canvas_Line :
- setLineWidth : (double)lw;
- setPoints: ...
- setLineColor: ...

This would be easier for the pure objc developper to use obgtk/obgnome without
having to read the gnome-canvas sources (doc ?), but I don't know if the 
general phylosophy of the bindings in gnome prevents me from adding such 
convenience functions.

Thanks for your answer.


  Bertrand GUIHENEUF           	E-Mail:
                               	Tel.:   (33) 01 39 63 50 36
                    !!  Use GNU/LINUX OS  !!

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