FOR_PANEL moved, ORBit notes

I just moved the FOR_PANEL tag because the latest ORBit seems to work with
the panel again. I would really appreciate it if people would try out this
newer version and give it a real beating; I would like to release a new
ORBit version RSN.

A couple of notes:
	- You will need to rerun orbit-idl on .idl files because the
	  generated output has changed. The easiest way to make this
	  happen is to 'rm -f gnome-core/panel/gnome-panel.h' and the
	  Makefile will rerun it automatically.
	- UNIX socket support is enabled in this version. If you have
	  a certifiably screwed networking & DNS config, please try this
	  out - it should work better as far as the panel (you're still
	  SOL if you try multiplayer gnothello, but that is totally your
	  fault :-)

Also, whoever was telling people to run with --enable-FOR-PANEL
or --FOR-PANEL, I don't know where you got that idea, but it's slightly
incorrect. To use the FOR_PANEL tag, you need to do
'cvs update -r FOR_PANEL' in your top ORBit/ directory once. From then on,
cvs updates in ORBit/ will get the versions tagged with FOR_PANEL.

Share and enjoy,
-- Elliot
Progress (n.): The process through which Usenet has evolved from smart
people in front of dumb terminals to dumb people in front of smart
terminals.  --

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