Re: Gnome Core (seems to) require --with-window-manager

Colin> I recently (last 24 hours) changed WMs from fvwm2 to
Colin> WindowMaker. I had been compiling gnome-core with
Colin> --with-window-manager=fvwm2, and I noticed that when I changed
Colin> (surprise), I got an error message becuase I was not longer
Colin> running fvwm2.

What error message?  What generated it?

Colin> What does this flag actually do. I have since recompiled, but
Colin> I'd like to knwo if it's necessary to specify the
Colin> --with-window-manager option.

This flag exists only to tell the session manager the name of the
*default* window manager.

Once you start your first session, it is never referred to again.


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