Re: GNOME Style Guide, was: Re: Uniformity?

Nils Philippsen wrote:

> Are there chances to get this as a tarred archive or similar, so I can carry
> it home on my small 400Meg HD instead of downloading message after message and
> making German Telekom richer as they deserve?

Are you running Communicator?  I have virtually the whole archive saved in my mail
folder (yes, I'm a mail packrat).  I could tar it up and put it on my ftp site if you

> Maybe this should go to the gnome-gui-list, just another list I have to
> subscribe then *sigh*. Would it be feasible to ask people to mail remarks
> to me personally to keep flammage down?

Oh, I think the gui-list should be pretty safe now.  Most of the problem was due to
a--ummm--flame-happy maintainer.  As long as someone responsible is in charge, things
should go smoothly there.

> b) suffer from the "town council" symptoms mentioned by Alan Cox in this
>    special article on slashdot

Yeah, that was part of the problem too.

> c) do endless (fruitless) discussions beforehands

Oh, yeah, and the other problem.  Things would have gone much better if more hard copy
had been presented up front.


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