Re: Uniformity?

John R Sheets wrote:
> Nils Philippsen wrote:

> > Has there been any
> > discussion on topics with regard to guidelines (besides what's on
> >, of course)?
> There was a fiery discussion on gnome-gui-list a few months ago, but it sort of
> turned into a flame war, divided into opposing camps, and I think everyone burnt
> out on the idea.  Too much water under the bridge.  That list has been quiet as a
> graveyard ever since.  Kind of embarassing, really.

so _that's_ why nothing has been saved to the archives since after i
left.:) okay, okay, i was quite a flamethrower in there but i'm still
interested in that project. if that list is relatively free of people
using it as a personal pulpit to propose projects people won't
particularly care about (alliteration not intended) i'd like to jump
back in and help hammer out a few necessary guidelines to help present a
more unified user interface across applications.

> The unfortunate side effect is that no work is being done on it.  I think it would
> be great if you started working on it.  The gui-list is archived, so if you don't
> mind weeding through the 100+ messages per day that the list peaked at (only
> toward the end), you'll find a lot of very good ideas.  Hint: look for the shorter
> threads with meaningful titles.  (c;

oh, excellent. i'm freshly armed with information from "the psychology
of everyday things" by donald a. norman (isbn 0-385-26774-6) and
"designing the user interface" by ben schneiderman (isbn 0-201-69497-2)
and as always the excellent apple style guide, so if anyone cares to
join me in the fray i'll get my subscription request re-submitted
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