DND changes warning

This is just a short note to let people know I'm about
to begin the process of committing my DND changes into
the unstable branch of GTK+.

This is likely to result in parts of GTK+ and GNOME
having miscellaneous problems compiling or running
for the next 24 hours or so your patience is appreciated.

[ I have patches for gnome-libs, gnome-core, ee that
  I'll be committing. mc will probably require a fair
  bit of work. A few other programs (including the GIMP)
  will take some minor work to fix up. ]

It might not be a bad idea to just not update for a bit
I'll send another message when I think everything is
working properly.

A brief description of the new DND API can be found at:


- Suggestions about the API should be sent to
  gtk-devel-list@redhat.com (you'll need to be subscribed -
  see www.gtk.org)

- Problems with compiling or running GTK+ should be sent to

- Problems with the DND and the GNOME components should
  probably be sent to gnome-list@gnome.org, though CC'ing to
  me directly may be a good idea.


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