Re: Gtk coding, for a beginner

On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Mathieu Lutfy wrote:
> I'm starting to apply my C knowledge (ok, I'm no guru, but I love C),
> and I'm reading the GTK tutorial on the site (the site remake if
> great btw).  The first thing I noticed of course is that the tutorial
> was made before the themes, and altough everything (so far) seems to
> work great as a traditionnal GUI, I'm wondering if I'm learning the
> right stuff?
> If I get a good enough Gtk-coding base knowledge, will it be hard to
> then upgrade?
> Does anyone have a suggestion or a personnal experience to comment?

Themes are totally transparent, the programmer doesn't have to worry about
them. Just write your code with Gtk 1.1 series and themes will work.


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