Re: Problems with gnome window hints

On 28 Nov, Felix Bellaby scribbled:
-> writes:
->  [clip]
->   >                It's time a line in the sand was drawn. I'm working
->   > on a document wiht all the GONME WM hints in it.. it's not compulsory
->   > but I think it has to be accepted that a MW that doesnt support these
->   > is not suitable for gnome.
->  The man has spoken. 
->  I agree entirely. 
->  Follow the GNOME WM hints and live with the response from your WM.
->  However, I think that gnome should make this as easy and automatic 
->  as possible so that those of us with less understanding of the 
->  WM world can write our apps to do the Right Thing.
->  IMHO, this means integrating support for the GNOME WM hints into
->  widgets and hiding the details behind a simple API. The history
->  of ICCCM compliance demonstrates that anything more complex will 
->  defeat application programmers.
->  Unfortunately, this raises an issue: Can the GtkWindow widget handle
->  the GNOME WM hints or does gnome need a new widget from which to 
->  derive its WM windows ?

not at all - the gnome WM hints are already wrapped.
See libgnomeui/gnome-winhints.h

Well not every single property and hint is wrapped right now.. but most
useful ones are.

->  Felix

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