Re: Ctrl-C in gnome terminal and gtkhex widget...


> > > 1) gnome-terminal is starting to annoy me a bit... Every time I hit
> > > Ctrl-C
> > > to kill whatever is running in the terminal, I kill the terminal
> > > instead. This sucketh royally. Could someone who knows what they are
> > > doing please fix gnome-terminal so control keys work correctly? It would
> > > make it somewhat more usable...
> >
> > Umm, which version of the term, and which and os is this?
> Redhat 5.2 with gnome 0.30 installed.

Well for starters 0.30 is heaps out of date as far as the terminal
is concerned.  Many bugs have been fixed already.

However, I've never experienced/seen (or heard of) anything like this.

What shell are you launching this from?  Hmm, no, all linux shell's
should be ok, they have job control (some shells send ctrl-c to
all processes in a program group when you hit it).

Could you try this ... start one up, and attatch a trace to it (using
strace -o outputfile -p <pid number>), type 1 or 2 characters, and
then hit ctrl-c.  Send me anything that looks interesting in that.

Thats a bit of a long shot, but all I can think of.


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