Re: Cobra: ILU or Orbit?

On Thu, Nov 05, 1998 at 09:17:50PM -0500, Todd Graham Lewis wrote:
[orbit vs ilu] 
> I have to disagree that it makes no sense to re-evaluate.  It may very
> well make no sense to change, but given the significant advantages that
> ILU has (multi-lingual support foremost among them), I think that it
> _does_ make sense to take another look.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I thought that different ORBs were
supposed to be able to talk to each other using IIOP such that the
'end-programmer' woudn't notice the difference.

At one point I was intending to see if I can get ILU and Orbit talking
to each other this weekend (I want ILU for the common lisp support),
but it rather depends on if I can get orbit to compile (I haven't,
like, tried yet), and how hungover I am tomorrow morning.


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