Re: panel using all CPU

On Wed, Nov 04, 1998 at 01:15:41PM -0500, Louis-Dominique Dubeau scribbled:
> Duncan Pierce <> writes:
> > I'm not so sure this is a panel problem - it may be a session management
> > problem, or a g[dt]k problem. 
> In my case, it happened after I "logged out" of the panel.  The
> applets didn't seem to notice the panel was gone and just started
> eating up all the CPU time.
> 	Regards,
> 	ldd

  I think this may be a bug in GTK+.  It seems like whenever a GTK+ application
loses its connection to the X server, it fails to shut down and instead
starts running rampant, eating all the CPU time it can get.  Here's sample
output from testgtk (CVS last friday):

Loading Theme /usr/local/gnome/lib/gtk/themes/engines/
Theme theme: Creating style
Theme theme: Creating style
Theme theme: Creating style
Theme theme: Creating style
Theme theme: Creating style
Theme theme: Realizing style
Theme theme: Realizing style
Theme theme: Realizing style
Theme theme: Realizing style
Theme theme: Realizing style
** ERROR **: sigpipe caught
** ERROR **: sigterm caught

  "sigpipe caught" is me telling the WM to kill its connection.  But it
kept running, and a top process running at the same time showed it using
>90% processor time.  The sigterm is me killing it from top.  I think
other programs (gnomecal..) do this as well, especially when the X server
shuts down while they're still running.  I hope this isn't a feature. :-)

  Daniel Burrows

> Why?


> Why anything?


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