Usage numbers estimate

As a new release seems to be coming up, I thought I throw some numbers
on the market. I had made rpms of gnome 0.30 for S.u.S.E. 5.3 available
on my web server, as well as that the page was mirrored at a faster
server. The release was delayed till Monday the 19th October due to me
being away. Since then the gnome page has been accessed about 3200
times. Taking into account other data like number of different sites and
download numbers for individual files I would estimate that about
2000-2500 persons have downloaded the gnome rpms from either site. I
found particularly interesting that among others there were downloads
from employees of SGI and SAP (I'll finish uni next year, in case you
are looking for someone ;-) ).

Just thought this might be interesting.

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