Re: ee inconification

On  3 Nov, Spauldo da Hippie Elf scribbled:
->  I've noticed a problem when I try to iconify ee under twm
->  When I iconify it, it creates a very small image of the first ee screen,
->  but I can't move it or de-iconify it by clicking on it.  Instead, I have
->  to use the root menu's "move" or "iconify" commands to manipulate it.
->  One clue I found is that when I move it, I get a ghost outline about 20
->  pixels to the left of the image.
->  I can easily work around this, and it don't really bother me, but if the
->  problem's with ee, then I thought you would like to know (and I figured
->  twm would probably have had an obvious problem like this fixed by now).

nup - the problem is twm. :) change wm's.

->  I tried iconifying a few other gnome apps, and did not have the same
->  problem.
->  On another note, any reason the imlib configurator don't have a cancel
->  button?  Just curious...

just close/kill it? why need cancel?

->  Spauldo
->  "Yeah, I used to be into necrophelia, bestiality and sadism, but then I
->  realized I was just flogging a dead horse."

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