Re: GTK & Win32 .. just wondering ..

(double-quoted; forgot original author, sorry) wrote:
> > ok, those that are interested for working on a port of Gnome towards a Win32
> > platform
> > please raise your hand

i can understand wanting to run gnome on windows if, as more than one
person has said here, they're on a machine at, say, work, and not
allowed to put a different operating system on there. i am forced to use
win32 at work too, and can empathize.

however, my it department _also_ will not let me install random software
like low-level gui libraries that's still in way alpha stages (like
gnome is, and how much more so gnome for win32 would be if it existed).
how many of you _really_ have it departments that _won't_ let you
install linux but _would_ let you install gnome? get real.

no, i think the effort is better spent making code nice and solid on one
platform and then spread to the other unices and then maybe we can worry
about taking all of the strength and stability of gnome 1.0 and
entrusting it to an os that is renowned for its instability and hatred
of anything non-microsoft.

of course, one person who disagrees with me and has the ability to code
this project has the power to negate my opinion, but i haven't seen this
person yet for all the discussion i've seen, so... i guess that means my
point still stands.
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