Re: JAVA in Gnome?

> You don't need to include a Virtual Machine or Compiler. What you need
> for a "gnome compatible language" is the language specific glue code
> (In the case of JAVA this woud be a native funktion interface I think
> and a bunch of classes)

I think that it would be really fantastic if Gnome could be programmed in 
Java.  I know it's a point of contention for a lot of people, but I think 
Java is a great language to program GUI apps in, and the AWT ranks very 
high on my list of "Quality" Gui toolkits.

If we really want to use it though, it's probably better to go with 
guavac than with a JVM though.  How hard would it be to put some hooks 
into guavac to people to call any methods it needs to communicate with 
other Gnome apps, panel, etc?  (And how mature is guavac?)

Perhaps JFC/Swing would even let us implement a GTK look-and-feel for 
Java.  (I'm not sure if Sun lets you implement your own look and feel, 
but if you use JFC/Swing, you can change between a bunch of differen 
lnf's at runtime.)

Ben Boule

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