modemlights for ISDN?

Martin writes:
>Does the modemlights applet currently work for ISDN ? Or is this
>planned for the future ? Would be a nice to have something
>similar than the /sbin/isdnbutton from isdn4linux (a _very_ old

Currently the modemlights applet will work if two conditions are met:
1) the ppp protocol is used as device "ppp0"
      (to check for incoming and outgoing data)
2) a lock file is created when a device activates.
      (to check if modemlights should try and get data from ppp)

Any networking device which creates a lock file when in use
should work. Does your ISDN software create a lock file?
for example modem's usually use something similar to /var/lock/LCK..modem

If you just want modemlights to work whenever ppp is up, you could just
set the lockfile to ppp's lockfile, on my RedHat 5.0 system this is:



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