
Hey all,

first of all, thanks Martin... for solving that (un)compress error.
now I have another problem (sorry... but this is really too difficult
for me).
I need mico in order to install gnome-core (ild: command not found), so
I tried to install it.
While installing it I keep getting the -virtual memory exhausted- error.

I tried solving this by
1. in bash `ulimit unlimited' and csh `limit datasize unlimited'
2. running configure with `--disable-optimize', which should do the same
as gcc -O
3. restarting my swapspace (./sbin/swapoff -a than ./sbin/swapon -a)
Still I get the error. My swap partition is only 22mb, I know that is
very little.
How can I solve the problem... I'm really out of ideas.

Greetz, Norbert
I didn't see this in any faq either...

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