How do I compile panel?

I've been unable, so far, to get gnome-core to compile.  I've got
gcc-2.8.1 (just for its template improvements over 2.7.2), and the
binary rpms for mico-2.0.5 don't seem to work.

The srpm for mico didn't seem to compile either, so I got the tarball
and compiled that.  It was clearly intended for an old version of Tcl
(TCL_UNIX_FD is dead), but that's easy to fix, and probably isn't
important anyway.

I've got a recent snapshot of gnome-core (a few days old), called
gnome-core-0.13.  panel fails (I enclose a few lines below).  So what
do I need to compile this stuff?

I'm happy to grab bits by CVS, if somebody can suggest suitable tags
to get: I don't want the bleeding-edge version of gtk+, for example,
because that might break the Gimp.  I'd just like what passes for the
stable branch of things, so I can play around with it.

mico-c++ -o panel drawer.o gdkextra.o main.o menu.o cookie.o swallow.o mico-glue.o mico-parse.o panel.o panel_config.o panel_config_global.o panel-widget.o panel-util.o launcher.o logout.o gnome-panel.o -L/usr/local/lib -lmicocoss2.0.5 -lmicoaux2.0.5 -lmico2.0.5 -lXt -lgnomeui -lgnome -lgnomesupport -ldl -lgdk_imlib -ltiff -lz -ljpeg -ljpeg -lpng -lz -lSM -lICE -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk -lglib -lXext -lX11 -lm
mico-glue.o: In function `ObjWrapper<CORBA::Object>::release(CORBA::Object *)':
mico-glue.o(.gnu.linkonce.t.release__t10ObjWrapper1ZQ25CORBA6ObjectPQ25CORBA6Object+0x8): undefined reference to `CORBA::release(CORBA::ServerlessObject *)'
mico-glue.o: In function `ObjWrapper<GNOME::Applet>::release(GNOME::Applet *)':
mico-glue.o(.gnu.linkonce.t.release__t10ObjWrapper1ZQ25GNOME6AppletPQ25GNOME6Applet+0x17): undefined reference to `CORBA::release(CORBA::ServerlessObject *)'
gnome-panel.o: In function `GNOME::Panel::_duplicate(GNOME::Panel *)':
gnome-panel.o(.text+0x15f): undefined reference to `CORBA::is_nil(CORBA::ServerlessObject *)'
gnome-panel.o: In function `GNOME::Panel::_narrow(CORBA::Object *)':
gnome-panel.o(.text+0x26a): undefined reference to `CORBA::is_nil(CORBA::ServerlessObject *)'

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