Re: A Proposal For The Addition Of Color-Reactiveness To The GNOME Desktop

Bowie Poag <> writes:

| Q: "Why didn't you just use traffic lights as an analogy?"
| A: "Because traffic lights aren't really color-reactive. Traffic lights
|     use a separate lamp for each state (red for stop, yellow for warning,
|     green for go, etc) ....Lamps and Beacons only employ ONE light,
|     respectively, which has the capability of showing SEVERAL colors.
|     Traffic lights are a poor analogy."

Traffic lights are much better, than your proposal.

Handicapped persons, who can not distinguish between different colors,
have obviously a problem with your lamps but not with traffic
lights. Furthermore it is much easier to recognise a combined change
of color and position, although this is probably only important for
quick reactions on the the change. And who on earth should remember
the codings for 6 different colors flashing in different order for all
applications? And coding a processbar with color shades is also quite
unusable. I don't think that someone is able to say from a color shade
"the download will last 5 minutes".


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