Re: Virtual Folders (re: syncing desktops)

>> * Is persistent.  (With some way to destroy it.)

Miguel> What would this entail?

Having a way to store the name, file list, and other virtual folder
info (e.g., window location info and other ordinary meta-data)
somewhere.  MC would need to automatically remember previously-created
virtual folders at startup.

Note that destroying the folder should, in most cases, require more
than just closing the window.  For the results of a `find' this would
be ok.  But for the virtual folder representing your list of files to
sync, you'd probably won't something a bit harder to do by accident.

Miguel> (boy, is `entail' even an english word, or just my mind
Miguel> playing tricks on me?)

`entail' is an English word.  FYI Mirriam-Webster lets you look up
words on their web site.


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