Gnomeified Fvwm2

Due to the non-availability of a gnome WM, i've currently been working on
some modifications the the default rc file for fvwm2.  With the new rc
setup that i've created, much like what 'Tigert' has started, i've broken
up the rc file into separate modules: 'buttons' 'menus' 'functions', etc.
All of these files are neat/clean with readable comments, etc.  The menus
file loads most of the gnome applications to date (still adding them in).

For the most part, if you've buitl gnome, but are using some WM that
doesn't allow you to appreciate the gnome effort in some way, this is
definately for you.  I run a fully 'gnomed' environment here, panel, load
applets, gnome-terminal, etc.  It's pretty stable, and i've not had any
problems , especially with the new gtk+ I got from the cvs tree.

Once I do a little more work, i'll be passing this on to for
people to download and use/modify, etc.  I just wanted to post this as an
encouragement for everyone to start 'using' gnome, so we can help get all
the kinks out.  Thanks to Tigert for setting the example for me to follow
with these rc hacks i'm working on.

One last note, despite the fact that Raster is working on gtk-theme
material, my current fvwm2 setup allows you to quickly apply themes to
fvwm2.  The directory structure is clean, and you basically only need
include your own icons and pixmaps, and modify the window.styles file that
i've included in order to customize your term(s).

If you are interested in getting this tarball, then i'll speed up my
effort and get it out by monday or tuesday this week. Gnome -- use it,
hack it, make it work. Thanks.

 --Clarence, <>

"From now on, I will not try to reason with the idiots I encounter.  I will
dismiss them by waving my paw and saying 'Bah'"   -Dogbert

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