Re: Warning fix in gnome-libs/libgnomeui/gnome-less.c

On Fri, 8 May 1998, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> Does anyone know where can I get a C reference?  

What about this?  It seems it's pretty old but perhaps you are 
desperately enough ;-).


============================ README ==============================
					July 31, 1996

This directory contains a machine-readable copy of the April 28, 1995
Working Paper of ISO Working Group WG21.  This Working Group is
responsible for developing the International Standard for the
C++ programming language.


The Working Paper contains copyrighted material.  You may print or
copy it as long as you do so for the purpose of furthering the
standardization of C++.  Using it to improve your own understanding
of C++ is one example of an appropriate use; running off a bunch
of copies for use in a commercial course is not.  If you have any
questions about whether an intended use is or is not appropriate,
please contact the undersigned.

					 Andrew Koenig
					  Project Editor, WG21


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