Re: InSight

>>>>> "MrTopf" == Christian Scholz <> writes:

MrTopf> Also there is 3d Studio Max which also lets you scroll
MrTopf> something by just holding down your left mouse button inside a
MrTopf> list but outside the actual test of an entry. I must say that
MrTopf> this was a very intuitive and fast way of scrolling (just
MrTopf> because you donīt have to move your mouse somewhere else).

FWIW, Tk handles this by overloading the meaning of the middle button.

If you press and drag on a widget (text/entry/listbox -- not the
scrollbar), then scrolling happens.  If you press and release without
moving, then the selection is inserted.

In practice this turns out to be quite nice.  I'm frequently annoyed
to find that Netscape won't let me scroll the text directly with B2.

Another thing to think about is support for mice with the weird little
roller on top (I have no idea what this thing is called, but I do have
one here).  I believe the roller generates B4/B5 when you move it.
Windows uses this to directly scroll widgets.  Overall the effect is
quite nice.  (For all I know Gtk already handles this.  The machine
with that mouse runs NT, not Linux.  Bummer.)


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