Re: Imlib 1.4 dependency on CVS gtk+

> I had not checked 1.0.1. But if an application uses a GdkWindowPrivate
> structure without going through the GDK functions, it may break when
> upgrading to 1.0.1... For example if I want to make a copy of a
> GdkWindowPrivate returned by a GDK function for my own use, and I malloc a
> sizeof(GdkWindowPrivate)...

I suppose, you shouldn't do it, that why its name contains Private. 

Its an "implemenation detail" and as such should't be used by external
programs and thus can't break binary compatibility of the library.

(yes I know, imlib uses it, despite it is private, but imlib is rather
strongly tied to gtk these days.)


| Sebastian Wilhelmi, Institut fuer Rechnerentwurf und Fehlertoleranz, |
| Universitaet Karlsruhe;  Gebaeude 20.20, Raum 263, D-76128 Karlsruhe |
| mail:; fax: +49 721 370455; fon: +49 721 6084353 |
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