Prob faq, but can't find it: arpg_parse undefined

I was just trying to compile the most recent version of gnome-libs, and it
works until it tries to compile libgnomeui/ted_demo.c.

At that time it spits out the following errors:

../libgnome/.libs/ undefined reference to `argp_state_help'
../libgnomeui/.libs/ undefined reference to
../libgnome/.libs/ undefined reference to `argp_parse'
../libgnomeui/.libs/ undefined reference to

I remember seeing something about these errors on the mailing list, but I
couldn't locate it in the archives. My appologies, but I hope you won't
mind answering it again.


| Stefan Mars              |Student, Applied physics & Electrical engineering |
| Bjoernkaerrsgatan 15B:30 |Linkoping Institute of Technology                 |
| S-584 36 Linkoping       |                                                  |
| Sweden                   |Email: Phone: +46 (0)13175384 |
|         Maintainer of The THX Home Cinema Buyers Guide, located at          |
|                    |
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