Re: Gnome Status Report

>>>>> "r" == raster  <> writes:

  -> Also IMHO the GUI needs to be a little more straight-forward and
  -> obvious - putting things in four different windows doesn't make
  -> sense.

  r> leave that all to me.. I'm back on ee's case.. i'm re-wrting
  r> it. It will have a much nicer GUI.

Please keep the controls panel like it is.. It's the one thing I
*really* like about ee. It's a heck of a lot easier to use than
xv's. A couple of things that would be nice are keybindings on the
image itself, to make it easy to breeze through a list of files and
quit, without using the mouse (just simple ones, like <space>, p, n, q 
or such) and a way of coping gracefully when it can't load a file
(doing ee * in a directory with a bunch of images and 1 text file will 
core). Other than those minor niggles, I've considered using ee as my
main image viewer.

  Larry Daffner        |  Linux: Unleash the workstation in your PC! /
"I believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don't intend to
 waste any of mine running around doing exercises."  --Neil Armstrong

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