(and another) gnome .13 compile error(s): gtk_entry_set_max_length and a few more.

I'm running RH5 with all the required stuff...
compiled gnome-libs gnome-objc and gnome-graphics just fine but...

with gnome-core, I had the libz problem, but I used the workaround, but
for the panel, I tried the "make CXXFLAGS=" to compile, but no dice. I
still get the "...undefined reference to 'L123327..." errors. Is there
suppose to be something after the "CXXFLAGS="? For the gnome-games and
gnome-admin, phaser-chess and gulp won't go, they both die off with a
"/usr/local/lib/libobgtk.so: undefined reference to
'gtk_entry_set_max_length'".I have the gtk+99.5 rpms installed. And
(finally) gnome-utils dies outs with a "make[2]: *** No rule to make
target 'fsview.h', needed by 'sysview.o'. Stop.", when compiling gtop
(inside the gtop/proc dir). These appear to be the only problems as I
have manually compiled every other individual program. Thanks.

 Michael Schubert      -- mschubert@geocities.com

 The Two Rules of Puns -- Never Apologize.
                          Never Explain.

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