Getting guile-gtk to work..

I seem to be having terrible trouble with the scheme stuff.. Either
I'm just thick, or I'm missing something, but when I try to start up
guile-gtk, I get the following:

brain ~ $ guile-gtk 

;;; WARNING (no code for module syncase)
guile: Unbound variable: define-syntax
Error (2)
brain ~ $ 

Also, when I try to start up aisleriot, I get a bunch of pixmap loads, 
and then:

guile: Stack overflow
Error (2)
brain ~ $ 

(The error(2)'s are ksh printing the exit codes)

This is using Debian (hamm) with slib2c0, guile 1.2 and the latest CVS 
stuff. Anyone got some clues handy?

  Larry Daffner        |  Linux: Unleash the workstation in your PC! /
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to
pause and reflect." - Mark Twain

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