Re: a few notes on gncal

Actually the Mac uses Commando-Q (if that hasnt changed in recent 
years. Personally I dont want any 'new' bindings to the Ctrl key. 
Ctrl-C kills a process for me, Ctrl-Z suspends it, and so on. I 
rather use the Alt (Meta) key for these things. Like Alt-Q, Alt-C, 
Alt-P, Alt-X and so on for quitting, copying, printing and cutting  

But then I thought this wasnt what GNOME was all about. Key bindings 
and visual appearence etc would be left to distributions maintainers 
and WM programmers. Right?


# S-mail: Olof Oberg     #         #
#         Pedagoggr. 7A  #               #
#         S-907 30 Umea  #              #
# Phone:  090-197395     # #

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