Re: updates?

Paul Hepworth wrote:

> >       Yeah IMHO Ea is not that great of an idea because when you copy
> > files in the shell they get tend to get messed up in the GUI.  It's also a
> > major hassle having lots of hidden directories.  It makes duplicating and
> > managing directories in the shell more annoying.  I would say just do
> > things by file extension for right now or failing that magic numbers.  EAs
> > are one feature too many for right now.
> >
> EAs are only a good idea if the VFS is used from the shell as well.  (So
> that typing mv/cp does copy/move the EAs as well.)  If the VFS is to be a MC
> and Gnome app only thing, then it isn't worth it.  But can't bash, csh,
> whatnot access the VFS as if it were a natural file system?  If not, then
> the whole idea of a VFS is less useful.

 Personally, if we are going to have EAs I would rather have something more
like the Amiga had, I.E the information was kept in a file with the same name
and a .info extension.  I.E. a file named "foo" would have it's EA information
in a file named "" At least that way things like
cp foo* /mnt/floppy
would copy the EA information as well.  I imagine making them hidden in the
shell will be more trouble than it's worth unless we plan on re-writing all the
various shells.  At least if you can see the info files, it's easy to handle
from the shell and doesn't take to long to get used to.

Dwight Hubbard (319) 295-1509         Rockwell-Collins
System Administrator         Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52498

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