RE: updates?

> 	Yeah IMHO Ea is not that great of an idea because when you copy
> files in the shell they get tend to get messed up in the GUI.  It's also a
> major hassle having lots of hidden directories.  It makes duplicating and
> managing directories in the shell more annoying.  I would say just do
> things by file extension for right now or failing that magic numbers.  EAs
> are one feature too many for right now. 
EAs are only a good idea if the VFS is used from the shell as well.  (So
that typing mv/cp does copy/move the EAs as well.)  If the VFS is to be a MC
and Gnome app only thing, then it isn't worth it.  But can't bash, csh,
whatnot access the VFS as if it were a natural file system?  If not, then
the whole idea of a VFS is less useful.


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