RE: updates?

> -
> From:	Tom Tromey []
> Paul> But can't bash, csh, whatnot access the VFS as if it were a
> Paul> natural file system?  If not, then the whole idea of a VFS is
> Paul> less useful.
> Not without hacking them.
> IMHO the best way to make VFS truly invisible is to actually put it in
> the filesystem layer.  Enabling this was one of the goals of HURD
> (sigh).
> This doesn't mean that VFS isn't still useful in its more limited role
> on the desktop, though.
Too bad.  However, hacking the gnu utils to support the VFS is not totally
unreasonable -- should be as simple as hacking gnu libc (open, write, read,
etc.) and recompiling the utils (or not even recompiliing since libc is a
shared lib).


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