[Announce] gEdit 0.2.1

The latest version of the gEdit editor is now available!

Version 0.2.1, almost a complete re-write of the previous version.

Features include:
        * Open/Save/Save As/Close now working!
        * Clipboard (Cut/Copy/Paste) work, still buggy though
        * Command line file opening!
It is kind of stable, beware! Don't try opening a binary file, it segs. And
there's a strange bug with the saving a file that you opened from the command
line, also Close is buggy, does strange things to gEdit!

Get it at: http://meltdown2.home.ml.org/gedit

Alex Roberts                 |  ____B _____S  ___.E
robo@earthling.net           | |    \ \ __/  | __/ 
http://meltdown2.home.ml.org | | o  /  \\__  ||__   
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