RE: You find out the strangest things when you RTFM...

I'm a member of the Adobe Developers Association. Here's part of an
E-mail I got from Adobeabout DPS. I hope this helps:

Display PostScript:
Adobe no longer supports or distributes Display PostScript. Support
questions for Display PostScript directed to the ADA will be answered
the product and third-party distribution information included below.  

Obtaining the Display PostScript system
For a list of the manufacturers who ship the Display PostScript System,
refer to the table, at the end of this message.  The Display PostScript
product, which makes it possible to use Sun AnswerBook from PCs and X
terminals, is available for IBM, Sun, SGI and HP.  Display PostScript
includes the following items:
* Adobe ShowPS - a PostScript language viewing application
* Acrobat Reader - a Portable Document Format (PDF) viewing  application
(Sun only)
* 65 Type 1 Fonts from the Adobe Type Library
* Display PostScript NX software
* Display PostScript Software Development Kit, Version 1.3

Display PostScript NX is available through two distributors:

* US Distributor: Bluestone, (609) 727-4600,  blustone!
* European Distributor: Protek, (44) 1628-75959,


David DeCesare                        Phone: (612) 826-5580
Lifetouch                                    Fax: (612) 826-4551
7800 Picture Drive                     Email:
Minneapolis, MN  55439

> ----------
> From: 	Todd Graham Lewis[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: 	Thursday, March 05, 1998 3:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: 	You find out the strangest things when you RTFM...
> From the Digital Unix 4.0d release notes, page 8-2:
> 	Adobe has announced its intent to retire Display Postscript,
> 	which includes the client libraries and X Server extension.
> 	Therefore, DIGITAL will be retiring the Adobe Display Postscript
> 	(DPS) libraries and X Server in a future release of DIGITAL
> 	No replacements will be available.
> 	(...)
> 	Customers who have used the Adobe DPS libraries to develop their
> 	own applications will not have a migration path.
> Has anyone approached Adobe about freeing the DPS code?  Has anyone
> else
> heard about this?
> --
> Todd Graham Lewis        Manager of Web Engineering    (800) 719-4664,
> x2804
> ******Linux******          MindSpring Enterprises
> -- 
>          To unsubscribe: mail with 
>                        "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

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