Re: wrong modes in gnome-games

On 17 Jul 1998, Dirk Luetjens wrote:

> > > why are the most gnome-games set to mode 2111:
> > 
> > Almost certainly so that they can update the scores file securely.
> Yes, but shouldn´t they have at least read permissions?

Oh, I though you were asking about the 2, not the 1(s).

Yes, it seems like a misapplied case of the principle of least-privilege;
if there is a reason for it, it's not obvious to me.  Making open-source
programs !r seems most silly to me, but maybe there's something I don't
understand about the interpretation of that third bit...

Todd Graham Lewis                                     (800) 719-4664, x2804
******Linux******         MindSpring Enterprises

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