Re: gdk_imlib problem

On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 11:13:01AM -0400, Todd Graham Lewis wrote:
> reflections% make                            ~/gnome/cvs/imlib/gdk_imlib
> make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/include/gdk/gdk.h', needed by
> 	`cache.lo'.  Stop.
> The Makefile is loaded up with -I/usr/local/include, and none of the header
> files, so far as I can tell, include a full pathname.  If I symlink /usr/
> local/include/gdk to /usr/include, then I get:
> reflections% make                            ~/gnome/cvs/imlib/gdk_imlib
> make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/include/glib.h', needed by
> 	`cache.lo'.  Stop.
> I'll consult with the real programmers here at MindSpring if no one has an
> immediately-obvious fix; if you've seen and fixed it before, I'd love
> to hear about it, but otherwise, I'll dig further.  The only reason I
> ask is that it's very non-obvious to me why this is happening.

You don't accidentally have a .deps directory that was created there, do
that could potentially cause problems like this.
rm -rf .deps and try again

Geoff Harrison (
Senior Systems Engineer
Intellimedia Commerce (
Co-Author, Enlightenment Window Manager (
phone: (404)262-0001x102

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