Re: Multi-size, Multi-Bit depth icons

On 16 Jul, James Michael Mastros shouted:
->  On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 12:43:01 AM -0400, wrote:
->  > On 16 Jul, James Michael Mastros shouted:
->  > ->  I think that's what he meant with the caching, yes <G>.  (Though
->  > ->  perstistancy might be a Good Thing -- that isn't there now, is it?  Also, is
->  > ->  it cross-process?)
->  > 
->  > what do u mena "persistancy" as in I rener the pixmap at size XxY
->  I meant across sessions -- once imlib is unloaded and reloaed, are the
->  cached pixmaps still about?  (I assume not from the below.)
->  > ->  However, a quality option bitmap somewhere might be a Good Thing (resizing
->  > ->  alogrithim, dithering).  Perhaps even making an intelegent default decision
->  > ->  (based on image size)...
->  > 
->  > it alreday has several render types (quality levels) they include
->  > dithering on or of in 15/16bpp (yes imlib will dither using either
->  > floyd-steinberg or orderd in 15/16bpp if set to the correct render mode
->  > before rendering a pixmap - Enlightenment by default sets the "high
->  > quality" render mode on for this - so does the GNOME background
->  > properties). It also can have dithering turned off (for 8bp etc.) which
->  > is considerably faster but not as nice looking.
->  Oh.  Then why isn't gnome using it?  Guess nobody got around to it...  Hmm.
->  BTW  -- Raster, your sig is about 4 chars to wide in an 80 char term.

actually my sig is precisely 80 chars wide :) you're arrows increas the
width:) (count the chars in my sig without the "-> > " stuff at the
start. that mailers put in)

->  BTW2 -- Whoever is admining this list, could you _please_ remove the ban on
->   root@*?  I'm really root@jennifer-unix, and I keep forgeting to rewrite my
->   header.

why don't you create a user for yourself.. doing anythin unles you
absolutely must as root is asking for trouble. lucky you're using mutt
- if you wre eusing pine i'd be able to wipe your drive clean in seconds

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Carsten Haitzler           | _ //__\\ __||_ __\\ ___|| _ /  Red Hat Advanced
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