Re: pixmaps within widgets etc.

On Mon, 13 Jul 1998, Chris Thomas wrote:
>  What you are looking for is .gnome/gtkrc ;)
> heres a sample:

<sample deleted>

Anyone working on a GUI for editing GTK rc files ? I guess it would go under
the Look and Feel properties applet. Anything from Glade that can be used.

Tristan Tarrant                         
Lo sai che la tua faccia somiglia a  |You know your face looks like one who
quella di uno che vale 2000 dollari? |is worth 2000 dollars?
Gia'. Ma tu non somigli a quello che |Yeah. But you don't look like the one
li incassa. Qualche passo indietro...|who collects them. A few steps back...
     Il buono, il brutto e il cattivo|         The good, the bad and the ugly

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