Re: compile questions.

I'm having similar problems on a Slackware setup also.  I have installed
gettext and that doesn't seem to have done any good...same error.

Caleb Shay

Carl Bartels wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm new to this, so if there are more resources (eg, faq's) that I may
> have missed, someone please point the way...
> Anyway, I've been trying to compile gnome-stuff on a slackware computer
> for about a week now and am getting quite frustrated.  I was wondering if
> someone had a more up to date list of things to do that what is in the faq
> that is currently on the main page.
> I've gotten as far as gnome-libs, gnome-objc to compile, and have run into
> another brick-wall at gnome-guile (undefined referece to dgettext, or
> something very similar)  If anyone has any hints, or has a walkthrough of
> how to do setup gnome without rpm's, I'd be very greatful.
> Carl Bartels      |  I have water I have rum
> McGill University |  Wait for dawn and dawn shall come
> Montreal, QC      |  Underneath the bunkers in the row
> Canada            |       --R.E.M.
> --
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