Re: problem with compiling libgnomeui

Cheng-Chang Wu <> writes:

> There is no ted_demo.c in the neusest snapshot, but the Makefile created
> by ./configure has the follwing line, which results in my problem. 

If the file is missing, just comment the relevant lines out of, and regenerate the makefiles.  (Read up on how autoconf and
automake work too)

When you are working from snapshots, be prepared to hack the Makefiles
a whole lot.  There tends to be a lot of things that are only
partially completed or only partially checked in.  It usually takes me
about 2 hours to get a get a Gnome/Gtk snapshot hacked up enough to
partially compile it so I can install it (thanks to gtt for telling me
how much time I'm wasteing  :-).

Reporting bugs against the snapshots (vs. the released versions) isn't
usually all that useful to the developers.  They are probably planning
to fix it anyways, so any bug reports of that type are just "noise".


 - Jim

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