Re: problem with compiling libgnomeui

Jim Pick wrote:
> Cheng-Chang Wu <> writes:
> > There is no ted_demo.c in the neusest snapshot, but the Makefile created
> > by ./configure has the follwing line, which results in my problem.
> If the file is missing, just comment the relevant lines out of
>, and regenerate the makefiles.  (Read up on how autoconf and
> automake work too)

Done it.
> When you are working from snapshots, be prepared to hack the Makefiles
> a whole lot.  There tends to be a lot of things that are only
> partially completed or only partially checked in.  It usually takes me
> about 2 hours to get a get a Gnome/Gtk snapshot hacked up enough to
> partially compile it so I can install it (thanks to gtt for telling me
> how much time I'm wasteing  :-).
> Reporting bugs against the snapshots (vs. the released versions) isn't
> usually all that useful to the developers.  They are probably planning
> to fix it anyways, so any bug reports of that type are just "noise".

Really, I think today I have post too many questions too, now that I
have got the most compilable part compiled, I can now read the source
and think what I can help, or conceive my own project.

> Cheers,
>  - Jim
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Cheng-Chang Wu

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