Re: gnome-config problems

On Thu, 29 Jan 1998, Jason Gilbert wrote:

> > And if you want to do named parameters, nothing's stopping you writing
> > 
> > (applet
> >   (param :name foo :value bar))
> Bingo! well I'm satisfied.  This last piece was just a matter of not
> knowing scheme.  Which I suppose I should learn.  Not that anyone really
> HAS to satisfy me anyway;^)
> Now if we just had a way to dynamically generate gui config editors from
> these files.  Wouldn't that be nice!
> Just as one little final thought on the HTML-ish to Scheme thing.  This
> is just a thought, not really meant to draw comments or flames.  Just
> for mental perusal.  How many people do you know that can write HTML
> compared to Scheme.  I'm talking about your average joe, not necessarily
> programmers.  well even programmers.
Well I would rather ask - how many do you know that can write 
correct HTML? Very few. HTML is broken and parser writers 
nightmare. If you want HTMLish code then use a XML application. 
If Mnemonic's XML parser is finished (I think it is more or less) 
you will have a thread-safe, DTD reading parser which builds 
you a tree. But I think for config files Scheme is better and 
then it is the upside of conditional statements. IMO.

``Aren't you glad you use GUILE? Don't you wish everybody did?''



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