Re: Themes [was: Unidentified subject!]

[ Since it wasn't private, I feel I should respond publically ]

"Jorge Silva \(Jorge Gomes da Silva\)" <> writes:

> Hey, let the man work. You don't like the idea but wait and see what he
> comes out with. Besides you should be more constructive in your messages. I
> think destroying other ppl ideas won't help a lot.

Read my message again. What there wasn't constructive? What there
wasn't polite? I think you'll find that my message even pretty much
implies that I think themes are a reasonable thing to add to GTK.  
(I never was one of the people flaming themes in general...)

If Raster didn't want any comments he presumably would not have
asked for them. (And just to emphasize a point, there is no
"war" going on between us. Since that one somewhat acrimonious
discussion, I think we have managed to keep things on a quite
friendly level.)
> And it would be great if such talented programmers as you are could
> cooperate instead of complaining about each other's ideas. Having said this
> I never saw any message from Raster criticizing your work. 

We could all work in closets and come out with our individual versions
of GTK. I don't think that would be helpful. If some parts of my work
needs improvement, I hope Raster (and everybody else) will tell me
about it. There are limits to how much time I want to spend on email -
so I may respond mostly to things I disagree with, rather than to
things I do agree with, but my intent is never to "cut down" anybody's

> Your "over my dead body" sentence was very uncool.

If you look when I actually said the above quote, I think you'll find
that you are taking it quite out of context.


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