Re: gnome-config problems

Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> > Good question.  The same holds for the gnome_config_set_* functions.
> > If I set "/a/b/c" and then set "/a/b/c/d", what should happen?  What
> > if I set them in the other order?
> This is a problem.   As the "c" is sometimes a file and sometimes a
> directory.
> >         /a/b/c/d   -> the file a/b/c.conf  (key d)
> >         /a/b/c           -> the file a/b.conf  (key c)

what if you used the '#' sign to denote the config key.  Sort of like
how the '#' marks a specific area in an html document.  So, you would

        /a/b/c#d    -> the file a/b/c key d
        /a/b#c      -> the file a/b key c
        /a/b/c      -> the file a/b/c  no key? define a standard

This way you know what the file is and know what the key stuff is.  You
could have as much stuff as you want after the '#'

just a suggestion.  I haven't even looked at that code.


Jason Gilbert | |

"The total job will be in the software, and we'll be able to write big
fat programs. We can let them run somewhat inefficiently because there
will be so much horsepower that just sits there. The real focus won't
be who can cram it down in, or who can do it in machine language. It
will be on who can define the right user interface and properly
integrate the main packages." -- Bill Gates, PC Magazine 1982

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