Re: Gnomescape...when?

On Thu, 22 Jan 1998, Joel Dillon wrote:

> > 
> > > > cannot open shared object file: Too many open files in system
> > The error is at Why would finger be mmaping libc AFTER it
> > had called printf("%s\n", "[]"); ?
>   Why should it be doing anything with libc at the other end? At the very
> least whoever wrote fingerd could consider making the error messages
> a little more clear ;) However, I know little about the actual fingerd
> source...
> >In addition, the error comes from in.fingerd : the finger server.
>  Surely that wouldn't display on local stderr without some explanation?

I don't know about other systems but on Linux (which I presume it is, as
libc6 is the current linux libc), the inetd daemon sits on all the ports
in /etc/inetd.conf

It then accepts incoming connections and fork(2)s and exec(2)s the
approproiate daemon (in this case /usr/sbin/in.fingerd), with
stdin==stdout==stderr==the socket.

There is an extra layer involved (tcp_wrappers), but error messages from
libc at the remote end up here will end up travelling through the socket
to the client.

Robert Brady,

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